In Visible Man....
Summer ‘21 has been a whirlwind thus far….
Just as ATTIE approaches it’s first birthday in September, I’ve taken The project to not only the streets but all social/internet data bases as well. It does come off as a surprise at times how receptive people are to my story and how this all came about. Constant recommendations as to what I should work on next or questions about what’s in store. I can assure you, the limits of The ATTIE Project are not too far out of reach. Our goals and desires haven’t even begun to really come to fruition which is the beauty of this here journey.
It’s a blessing that I am grateful to share with the world. Nothing is promised and within these past few years I’ve been reminded drastically through my personal life experiences amongst the everyday hustle. As fragile as life may be, I’ve found something to keep me motivated and inspired and in return one of the greatest gifts I can do is return the favor. To inspire. For those that grew up with me, or met me in passing, it’s an energy you can’t resist. If I only knew what was awaiting to be shared with you all years ago, I think we’d all be in a better place. Nonetheless, I am glad to have shared any and every one of those moments with you! It’s made me who I am today.
Speaking of sharing energy, I started to record my process. I’ve been told I should get on TikTok and such such app, and I never budged. It’s a bit overwhelming, won’t hold you. Besides the purpose of the ATTIE project is to eliminate the tech, and be more hands on in the moment. That being said, I’m upgrading the process. I’ve spent the past couple weeks heavy on the indoors, since the passing of my granny and started organizing. I promised I wasn’t going to create for the rest of the year until I moved units, but that made no sense at all..Instead, I dug deep and started to record my process.
What you’re about to experience is a build up of my story. All previous post in one video. From Taking and older clock
(DJ Envy; 2020) already painted from last years and phasing into a new creation (In Visible Man). Then the abstract expressionism of the work coming to life throughout the vid. I look at no images as I create, i just feel. I put on my headphones and just vibe to the frequencies. To be honest, I’m gonna do my best to incorporate these vids with my newer creations starting next year, but as for this one, 5 mins consisting of 3000 photos. This short was a biiiiiiitch to handle on my mac, but I’ll make shorter versions going forward.
Without further ado, here is ATTIE’s first short titled,
In Visible Man
Music By:
Isaiah Rashad; Wat’s Wrong ft. Kendrick Lamar: ‘The Sun’s Tirade’