Turn Your Thoughts into Things; Introducing 1080 Time.
The Black Land
Kemet is the name of Ancient Egypt. The word kemet translates to “The Land Of The Blacks.” Kemet is an African country rich in culture. What makes Kemet worth studying is the fact that our modern day fields of study from science to religions are rooted in Kemet. When Kemet was invaded a lot of their knowledge was destroyed or misrepresented. The misrepresentations transformed their teachings into something that had lost its intrinsic nature. To study the lost wisdom of the ancients is to regain profound principles that underline the understanding that modern cultures have today. Today a lot of Kemetic teachings is being credited to the Greek invaders of Kemet. Today we know these teachings as ‘Kemet-stry’. Needless to say when studying Chemistry, we’re figuring out, ‘Kemet’s Mystery’.
Awareness is the last core value of the ATTIE Project, but it also in retrospect is the most important. We saved the best for last kinda thing. If it wasn’t for my own personal self awareness, I wouldn’t be sharing any of this with you all today. Not just the awareness of our physical well being, but it’s also imperative that awareness or the message should be perpetuated as well.
It’s been just over a year since I’ve been tapping into these clock creations, and this concept was something I wanted to execute since I got started. My goal is to continuously push the bar as an artist, but there’s a constant push to continuously apply pressure with the creativity, just in case there be any competition out there. It feels as though I’m behind in someone else’s game, when in fact, I am my own competition, in my own lane, with my own adversities ahead of me. With that being said, the only rush on my creations is to just get them out of my head.
My latest creation is a mix of it all. 1080 Time is a mixture of the artisanship of horology, creativity through painting, and technology through surveillance. It didn’t take long for my vision to soon came to fruition. I’m moving at a velocity right now and in a short span of time I am managing to turn my thoughts into things. How this came about was when faces were being painted on clocks, I wanted to bring the clocks to life some more. I needed to figure out a way to give the eyes I painted actual sight. It didn’t take too long to see the outcome, I just had to get to work.
During the pandemic some stories of people from my past started to resurface, and if I can take a moment for disclaimer, I could care less. You, sometimes you have to separate yourself from an equation in order to see it through. Short story short, 1080 Time isn’t a toy. I’m pretty thorough with my clients and people who invest in my work so I know when to and not to allow certain red flags to get by.
Functional clock, with a hand painted custom overlook, and a 1080 resolution camera, these 1080 Time one of a kind pieces, are true warrior bread creations. Although small, full cam surveillance with audio, record feature, and picture. You can adjust your settings to wifi and allow alerts straight to your phone with motion sensor detection.
I do this for the safety of my loved ones. Here with me today, and the future to come.
Kemet’s Mystery can be purchased at Basquiat Bottle, Brooklyn, NY November 10- December 10.